Defender, Promoter, Iconoclast, Radical, Mastermind, Discoverer
What does this mean?
Trailblazers are primarily focused on experiencing the present moment. They are the world’s explorers. Trailblazers are drawn to new experiences of all kinds. Some Trailblazers want to travel to exotic locations, while others build new things or go on intellectual adventures.

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Brain Functions

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Your tribe is broken into different sections. Your your mode, and your role. Each of these divisions separates you into one of 6 regions of the Trailblazers Tribe.


The Part You Play in Your Tribe

In your groups, where do you typically fall in your responsabilities?

Leaders - Radical/Iconoclast - These trailblazers leading groups into both the physical and intellectual unknown.
Operators - Defender/Promoter - You'll often find these moving a cause forward, blazing a trail of efficiency.
Builders - Discoverer/Mastermind - You'lll find these building working on complex ideas, or out discovering.


External or Internal

Your mode represents whether your first response to a stimulus is to react externally or process internally.

Active - Promoter/Radical/Discoverer - These will take a thought and run with it, preferring action and physical exploration.
Reflective - Defender/Iconoclast/Mastermind - Though not opposed to action, these reflective trailblazers prefer to ponder and create things intellectually.

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