Producer, Guru, Agent, Champion, Designer, Architect
What does this mean?
Creators are naturally drawn to the creative process. They are artistic, innovative, and imaginative. Creators avoid the status quo, moving past what already exists and creating new things.

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Brain Functions

What is this? The report says that they should look at the Personabilities website to learn about this...


Your tribe is broken into different sections. Your your mode, and your role. Each of these divisions separates you into one of 6 regions of the Decider tribe.


The Part You Play in Your Tribe

In your groups, where do you typically fall in your responsabilities?

Leaders - Producer/Guru- These creators like to manage, oversee, and direct creative productions.
Operators - Agent/Champion - You'll often find these creators in the trenches, finding creative ways to solve problems.
Builders - Designer/Architect - You'lll find these Creators designing and building complex ideas.


External or Internal

Your mode represents whether your first response to a stimulus is to react externally or process internally.

Active - Producer/Agent/Architect - These will take a thought and run with it, preferring action to planning.
Reflective - Guru/Champion/Designer - Though not opposed to action, these reflective creators prefer to deliberate and plan before creating.

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