Personality is Everything

Dan McKinley

Head of Innovation

March 30, 2021

Our personality impacts everything that we do. All features of life directly relate to personality. Life is a human endeavor and personality shows what it means to be human. Every aspect of your entire world is influenced by your or someone else’s personality. 

Our personality impacts everything that we do. All features of life directly relate to personality. Life is a human endeavor and personality shows what it means to be human. Every aspect of your entire world is influenced by your or someone else’s personality. 

How Does Personality Affect Everyday Life

You decide to go to the gym. You like weights and don’t like cardio. Again, that’s tied to your personality.

You wake up in the morning at a certain time. Your circadian rhythm is in fact related to your personality. You decide to go to the gym. You like weights and don’t like cardio. Again, that’s tied to your personality. You come home and decide to eat eggs and bacon. You didn’t think much about it. You thought you needed protein. However, your thoughts towards food can be correlated to one of many psychographic traits. 

You like taking long warm showers. That means you’re different from people who habitually take cold short showers. You drive a Maserati to work. You’re not like your coworker who drives a Prius. You spend most of your working hours in excel while your boss is normally writing emails and speaking on the phone. You wear a smart watch that checks your heart rate and have a standing desk. Again, you are showing your unique individuality at work. 

At home you enjoy watching serial crime dramas. Your partner isn’t into that kind of stuff but will watch them every now and then because they enjoy spending time with you. This weekend you plan on going to the movie theatre for the first time in over a year. Your movie selection will surely be connected to your personality, as well your general music tastes, food tastes, and clothing style. Every purchasing decision you make goes back to how you feel, think, and relate to the world. 

Personality Influence

Uncovering one’s personality is the ability to find exquisite meaning in the normalness of exoteric life. 

Personality doesn’t just deal with lifestyle choices or economics. Personality uncovers who we are on the inside as well. You had a political argument recently on Facebook. It got extremely heated. Someone who was once a close friend is now an annoying enemy. Your worldview is directly shaped by your personality. You see things one way which leads to different life experiences. Those life experiences then compound and steer you towards seeing the world in that particular way. We justify, confirm, and acknowledge what already makes sense to us. Every person that you know is a product of their personality. Even their life experience shows who they really are. 

Personality can determine things even deeper than politics. Spirituality, religion, and philosophy are all tied to our personality. Our culture impacts how we act and behave. Our culture is also an integral part of who we are – our personality. The most tranquil of your heart’s desires are also a part of your personality. 

Understanding personality is nothing less than understanding the human experience. It is exceptionally varied from person to person. You can’t just put people into simple boxes or rigid binaries. How we exist is as fluid and variable as can be. Personality can be represented by a role, character, or an archetype, but it still doesn’t show everything that makes you…you!

Personality is a broad science and field. It can include things as normal as sports, TV, and makeup. It also deals with obscure hobbies or interests like LARPing, geocaching, or tree hugging. It envelopes the universality of who we are as societies, groups, and individuals. Uncovering one’s personality is the ability to find exquisite meaning in the normalness of exoteric life. 

Every object, thing, or creation that  you see is a product of someone’s personality. Every food that you eat originated from the actions of some living thing. Humans are very complex beings with very complex personalities. But all living things have a personality. Surely you understand the nuanced behavior of your cat or dog. Personality is the study of the essence of life. Measuring personality is making unquantifiable and qualitative aspects of reality quantifiable. It’s understanding life in a way that you can have your own power over it. Personality is the key to knowing oneself and seeing the truth of others. Without it you cannot have true power, personal agency, or freedom. 

Everyone Has Personality

Everything is interrelated. Personality connects all of us in so many different ways. Some people are hot heads while others a cool and relaxed. Some people are intensely social while others are quiet bookworms.

Everything that is has a personality. Descartes said “I think therefore I am”. If you think then you have a personality. Not only that, but if you feel, intuit, or sense then you also have a personality. To be is to experience and to experience is to have a personality. Therefore everything that ‘is’ has a personality or an essence. Personality is consciousness. Artificial Intelligence doesn’t have consciousness. That’s why it doesn’t have a personality. Personality is an energy. It is the energy of life that permeates space. It is everywhere you look. 

Whenever you look at something you are changing reality. If you observe light as a point of mass then it ends up being a point. If you observe it as a wave then it ends up being a wave. Light has personality. Personality is a reflection of light. It is a personalized or individualized truth. Understanding this light will give you control, vision, and purpose over your life. 

Everything is interrelated. Personality connects all of us in so many different ways. Some people are hot heads while others a cool and relaxed. Some people are intensely social while others are quiet bookworms. But in many ways opposites are more similar than they appear to be. To a neutral bystander the Facebook political argument made both people look stupid. You can touch something so cold that your hands burn. Both bright lights and dark rooms can hurt our vision. The people you hate often remind you of something you don’t like about yourself. 

Personality truly is everything. How we see the world changes how we experience it. Your entire existence is tied back to who you are. You are a powerful free agent that can decide your path and change your outcomes. You are a strikingly unique individual yet you are part of a family, a community, and a nation. You are both the unit and the collective. You are made up of living organisms that all contribute to the multilayered phenomenon that is your personality. Yet, each of those cells come together to make a cohesive whole. You are literally made up of star dust that’s billions of years old. 

Yes, personality really is everything!


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